Saturday, November 21, 2009

A great day!

Sorry, no pictures again this week. Just haven't had anything worth taking pictures of!
But......I had the best day today. It was the first time in 7 months that I have been in pants the whole day!!!! It felt so good! It was our P-day. We just stayed home today and did things inside so I never did get into my "missionary clothes". This probably won't happen again for another 7 months!

We sent three hours on the phone today with Peggy Ricks reviewing the family cast applications. We had 290 families apply for 130 spots! Awesome families applied - it will be a great pageant again!

The duck and goose hunting season has been going on for awhile. We live close to the river so every morning it sounds like the 4th of July fireworks - the guns are shooting away! I feel sorry for the geese. All fall we have had a great amount of geese around. They are pretty birds. It is also deer hunting season. I don't feel so sorry for the deer. There are so many deer around. They ruin the trees and eat the plants. Almost weekly a missionary hits a deer on the highway. We will be loaning our truck to a missionary couple who hit a deer last week and will be without their car while it is being repaired.

We are very excited for Kevin and Stefanie's visit. They will arrive Monday evening and stay until Friday. We will finally get acquainted with little Sophie!

Hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving!


The Eight Family said...

So excited for you to spend time with family! Tell them hi for us and have a GREAT Thanksgiving! We love you guys!

Rita said...

You have been in my thoughts all day (Thanksgiving) as I prepare my four items to take to another home for Thanksgiving with only TWO other families! I hope all goes well for your HUGE dinner today, and that you have an awesome cleanup committee so that you can put your feet up and relax after it is all over. Our hugs to Kevin, Stefany, and sweet little girls! We are so thankful for our family, both immediate and extended. Love you guys!