Our week began with a fun visit from Ellen & Thayne Smedley who were returning home from their mission in Richmond, VA. We had a great time hearing about their mission and reminiscing about old times together in Tyhee. What wonderful friends!
Wednesday, March 17 was the commemoration of the organization of the Relief Society. It was 168 years ago that Joseph Smith organized the RS in the upper room of the Red Brick Store. I was invited to participate in the re-enactment of the organization. Two missionaries sisters wrote a very nice re-enactment with an original song and a couple of other special musical numbers. (Talent abounds in this mission!) I was asked to take the part of Julie Beck and had a short part near the end of the program. We had the program in the actual room where the RS was organized. What a sweet spirit was there in that room. We felt as those the 20 sisters who were in the original meeting were right there with us. It was one of the very memorable moments of my mission.
The sisters were transported from the Visitors Center to the Red Brick store in horse drawn carriages. Only the sisters were invited and then it took three peformances to be able to seat everyone.
The sisters were invited to wear their period clothing. Here are two of my friends in their "fancy" clothes. I was the only one not dressed in 1840's clothes since I was portraying Julie Beck. I felt a little out of place!
Elder & Sister Guymon, friends of Julie's from Boise, were Joseph and Emma.
Do you recognize these two people? Elder Gary & Sister Coleen Saville from Pocatello. Elder Saville took the part of John Taylor.
It is quite amazing to me to think that the RS which started with 20 members now has at least 5 million members. The early RS sisters provided many acts of service to the poor and needy, not much different from what we are doing today. The only difference is that we do the charitable acts in a more modern way. The need is still there and the sisters are still willing to serve. I am so grateful to be a part of such an organization.
What fun! So glad you were able to visit with friends and see so many that you know while you are there!! You guys are great!
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