Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Busy Week!

This last week was a very busy one. We did quite a variety of things. Here are a few pictures to fill you in on our activities. Last Sunday we went to the Old Nauvoo Burial Grounds. This statue is in the cemetery. It really touches your heart to see the sad faces on these people. The writing on many of the headstones is not legible. Some families have placed new headstones next to the old ones. t

There is a very reverent feeling in the cemetery. Many of those buried here were children. Those Saints sacrificed so much. I have gained such a love and appreciation for them as I have learned more about their trials here in Nauvoo and also the trials of the Saints in the early years after arriving in the Salt Lake Valley. I feel a real obligation to do all I can to be a good missionary to show my thanks for all they sacrificed

It has been interesting to follow the growing season of the corn and soy beans here in Illinois and Iowa. Can you believe the height of these corn stocks?! The corn is field corn so the farmers let it get very dry before they harvest it. The fields are looking very brown now as are the soy bean fields. It is quite a change from the lush green that bordered the roads everywhere.

I guess I didn't read the fine print on our mission call to know that I would have to paint while here! Actually I have enjoyed doing something outdoors. Glenn paints with a roller and I use a brush to paint the grooves in the board. Half of the stage is done (see last week's blog). We decided that it might be easier to paint the boards before they are put on the stage.We are painting both sides of the boards. We had a lot of rain this past week so we were not able to get much done. We paint at the barn by the Sarah Granger Kimball home.

Friday morning at 7:00am we had a Farewell Breakfast to honor those missionaries leaving for home during the month of October. As you can see the gym at the Nauvoo ward building is very full. There are three preparation meeting groups in the mission. Each group has people sign up for food for their group. There are three serving tables and we serve ourselves from our preparation group's table. There is always a good variety of breakfast foods!

There is a short program in which the outgoing missionaries do a little skit, reading or just make a comment or two. The last two months because so many have been going home, they have done a big group skit. The skits are pretty humorous and light hearted! I hope there will be a big group leaving when we leave next Oct. so we don't have to do something individually!

We served in the Seventies Hall today from 12:30-5:00. We had quite a few visitors, 23. Not bad for this time of year. We enjoy getting acquainted with the history of the places we serve in.

We have a pecan tree in our yard. Glenn has been picking up the green pecans that have fallen to the ground. He has been breaking open the outer green layer so the pecan will dry and not mold. It has stained his thumbs so bad that nothing will take away the color! We have tried lemon juice, soft scrub with bleach and clorax. Any suggestions?


The Eight Family said...

Maybe Glenn should go back to early childhood and start thumb sucking!!
You guys are great missionaries - it is so fun to hear what you are doing each week.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you!!

Stefanie said...

I love seeing your mission pictures, you guys are such great looking missionaries! As for the thumbs, I like them green...I think he should just leave them.

Rita said...

I just googled pecan stains--a suggestion not yet tried is WD40!